Hispánica del LED S.L. (hereinafter Hispaled) with registered office in Spain, at C/Dehesa Vieja 8E, Nave 11, 28052 Madrid CIF B85788651, is a company registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, Volume 27.073, Folio 47, Section 8 Page M487848 and with CIF: B-85788651. Hispaled is the owner of the trademark Hispaled, of the domain names and internet pages accessed from the domains www.hispaled.es and www.hispaled.com.
1. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS: The intellectual property rights of the web site, its source code, design, navigation structure, databases and the different elements and contents are and will continue to be owned by Hispaled. Viewing, printing and downloading (in any case partial content of the web) is only authorized if it is done for personal and private use, without commercial purposes.
2. LACK OF GUARANTEE - Hispaled does not guarantee the non-existence of interruptions or errors in access to the web, in its content, nor (although it makes its best efforts) that it is up to date, and is not responsible for possible security errors, presence of viruses or navigation problems.
3. THIRD PARTY SERVICES - With respect to the mention of third party products and services, Hispaled recognizes the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights in favour of their owners, and their mere mention or appearance on the web site does not imply the existence of any rights or responsibility of Hispaled (not even in a subsidiary manner) over them, nor any endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by Hispaled. For information purposes, the professional or entity responsible will be mentioned.
4. IP ADDRESSES AND COOKIES - If in the process of a user's browsing on the web site there is a trace of the IP address assigned to him/her by his/her access provider in that session, (except for legal obligations) Hispaled may use them for internal and statistical records. Users are also advised of the possibility of using cookies for the same purposes, and although they do not provide any personal data of the user, the user is informed of the possibility of configuring their browser to be notified on screen of the reception of cookies and to prevent the installation of cookies on their hard drive.
5.- MEASUREMENT - This website uses third-party audience measurement tools to analyze the behavior and profile of anonymous visitors, in order to improve the operation of the site and to perform statistics. The entity (Google Analytics) has its specific security policy on its website(https://www.google.es/intl/es/policies/), please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand how your Personal Information will be treated when you use our website.